Tantalus 1
Tantalus 1 is punished in Hades by not being able to eat or drink, as the water in the lake dries out, and the fruits in the trees are lifted by the wind each time he tries to reach either.
Famous torment
In the same way as some are famous for their lives, and others are famous for their deaths, Tantalus 1 became famous for the manner of his punishment in the afterlife. He was made to stand chin-deep in water with fruits just over his head, and whenever he tries to drink or eat, the water recedes or the fruits are lifted out of reach. And this torment, through which something seems to be offered only to be withdrawn again, has been called, in memory of its best known victim, "tantalize". Such is the Fame of this punishment.
Forever hungry and thirsty
Some have said that in addition Tantalus 1 had a stone hanging over him. But otherwise Tantalus 1 is said to see at his shoulders on either side trees with fruit growing beside the lake in which he stands with the water touching his jaws. And when he wishes to drink, the water recedes or dries up, and when he wishes to eat from the fruits, the branches are lifted by the wind as high as the clouds. Consequently, Tantalus 1 is always hungry, thirsty, and afraid that the huge stone that hangs above his head will fall on him.
Tantalus 1
Tantalus 1 is punished in Hades by not being able to eat or drink, as the water in the lake dries out, and the fruits in the trees are lifted by the wind each time he tries to reach either.
Famous torment
In the same way as some are famous for their lives, and others are famous for their deaths, Tantalus 1 became famous for the manner of his punishment in the afterlife. He was made to stand chin-deep in water with fruits just over his head, and whenever he tries to drink or eat, the water recedes or the fruits are lifted out of reach. And this torment, through which something seems to be offered only to be withdrawn again, has been called, in memory of its best known victim, "tantalize". Such is the Fame of this punishment.
For ever hungry and thirsty
Some have said that in addition Tantalus 1 had a stone hanging over him. But otherwise Tantalus 1 is said to see at his shoulders on either side trees with fruit growing beside the lake in which he stands with the water touching his jaws. And when he wishes to drink, the water recedes or dries up, and when he wishes to eat from the fruits, the branches are lifted by the wind as high as the clouds. Consequently, Tantalus 1 is always hungry, thirsty, and afraid that the huge stone that hangs above his head will fall on him.
Betrayed the gods' trust
As they say, Tantalus 1 was much trusted by his father Zeus, being admitted to the banquets of the gods. But Tantalus 1 proved to have an unbridled tongue, and the thoughtless fellow reported the gods' plans to men, telling them about the mysteries of the gods, and also attempting to share ambrosia with his fellows.
King in Sipylus
Tantalus 1 reigned in Sipylus, the land about the mountain with the same name which is east of
Debauched Paphlagonian king
Others say that Tantalus 1 dwelt in Paphlagonia, in northern
Turns his son into a meal
Tantalus 1 reached a very high pitch of perversion when he slaughtered his own son Pelops 1 and served him as a meal at the banquet of the gods. It was then that Demeter ate Pelops 1's arm. When the gods learned what had taken place, they gave Pelops 1 life again, joining together all his limbs. And since the shoulder was missing, Demeter fitted an ivory one in its place.
Now, in whatever way one looks to Tantalus 1's fate, there are only misfortunes to be found. For his country was utterly overthrown, and in death eternal torment awaited him. And his descent was not more fortunate. That is why it seemed reasonable to pray:
"O gods, may the race of Tantalus be fortunate at last, and may it be set free from evils!" (Euripides, Helen 855).
Yet some think that what Tantalus 1 did was extremely wrong, and that those who commit such crimes become incurable, not being able to profit by any punishment themselves, but instead serving to others as example. And not seldom these examples come from despots, great potentates, and public administrators. For these, having a free hand, are able to commit the worst offences.
Others with identical name
Tantalus 2 is one of the NIOBIDS, that is, a grandson of Tantalus 1.
Tantalus 3 is the first husband of Clytaemnestra; he was killed by Agamemnon. Tantalus 3 is called by some son of Broteas 4, and by others son of Thyestes 1. As son of Thyestes 1, Tantalus 3 should have been killed as an infant by Atreus, and served to his own father as a meal at a banquet. In both cases Tantalus 3 is a descendant of Tantalus 1.
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